1. Philosophy
Thinking Christian International School is a member school of ACSI (Association Christian Schools International) located at Yongsan-gu Seoul, Korea. The head of the school, Dr. Joohee Son, is a founder of TCIS, which was established in 2020.
The purpose of TCIS is, based on biblical principles, to educate the students as global leaders. TCIS seeks to improve students' spiritual formation, 21st-century thinking skills, English abilities, and academic achievement.
Our philosophy is also based on the cognitive theories of how people learn, which proves that we should provide a learning environment related to real life. The qualified experienced teachers will guide the children to serve the community under Christ-centered spirit.

1월 ( Jan. )
“ACSI” Accreditation : Candidacy Status
기독 국제학교 "ACSI" 인가 과정 : 첫단계 통과 (Candidacy 단계)
5월 ( May )
Start of “ACSI” Accreditation Process
기독 국제학교 "ACSI" 인가 과정 시작
4월 (April)
Partnership with “TeachBeyond”
파트너십 - 세계적 선교단체인 "TeachBeyond"
2월 ( Feb. )
3rd TCIS Commencement
9월 ( Sep. )
Start of TCIS Elementary Grade 1
7월 ( July )
2nd TCIS Anniversary Concert
4월 (April)
Start of TCIS+ (After-school Classes for TCIS Graduates
2월 ( Feb. )
2nd TCIS Commencement
12월 ( Dec. )
2nd Christmas Concert
6월 ( June )
1st TCIS Anniversary Concert
1월 ( Jan. )
1st TCIS Commencement
12월 ( Dec. )
1st Christmas Concert
11월 ( Nov. )
“Christian Education Brand Best Award”
국민 일보 주관 기독 품성교육 브랜드 "대상" 수상
7월 (July)
Start of TCIS (Pre K~K)
4월 ( April )
Certified to hold Cambridge English Tests
캠브리지 영어 시험 주관 기관
3월 (March)
TCIS as member school of “ACIS"
(Association of Christian Schools International)
TCIS - 기독교학교국제연맹 "ACSI" 회원
1월 ( Jan. )
- Patent for Speaking Feedback System (TEOS)
영어 스피킹 피드백 시스템 특허 기관
- Cooperative relationship w/ Suwon Central
Christian School, Suwon, South Korea
Start of Center for Education & Technology, Inc. U.S.A.
Center for Education & Technology, Inc. Korea